Tuesday 20 July 2010

The Hunger Games, My JulNo, and Fanfiction

So, I just finished reading Catching Fire, the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. It. Was. Bloody. Fantastic. I loved it. If you haven't read The Hunger Games, READ IT NOW. I recommend it to everyone. Well, unless you're a little kid... I'd say it's be alright for people over the age of... 14? I dunnp. But it's SO GOOD! If you're a teenager or adult, I recommend it.

A few weeks ago my mum asked me if she could borrow my Twilight books over the summer. I think I'll suggest The Hunger Games to her instead. I used to like Twilight but quickly realised it was stupid. My mum probably won't like the sound of The Hunger Games, because kids being forced to kill each other on a reality TV show isn't really her cup of tea. But it's not as bad as it sounds from that description, I promise.

Now I can't wait for Mockingjay (the last in the trilogy) to be released. I've pre-ordered it already. It comes out on the 24th of August (unless I'm mistaken.) And I have no idea how I'm going to wait that long! This time last week, I didn't even know what The Hunger Games was about, and now I'm thoroughly obsessed. I think it's my new favourite book. Well, I don't really know what my favourite book was before this. So now I have a favourite book. :)

I'm not sure what I'm going to read now. I've got a few other books on my shelf that I haven't read. I think I'm either going to read Paper Towns by John Green, or Wicked by Gregory Maguire. And then I need to read the last 3 Series of Unfortunate Events books, because I read the first ten of them years ago, but never got around to buying the last three until now. I have a very bad habit of not finishing serieses and trilogies. And I also have a bad habit of buying books when I've already got ones at home that I haven't read. And I buy too many books at a time. The other day, I went out to buy Catching Fire, and I came home with 5 books. It wasn't my fault that I suddenly found books that I've wanted for ages... ¬_¬

Anyway, enough about books written by other people. Let's talk about my JulNoWriMo novel! I've got about 40k at the moment, and I'm coming to the end of the story. It's exciting stuff, but I don't know if I'll be able to finish it in 10,000 words. If it doesn't quite make it, I've got an epilogue planned. I really don't know how many words the final scene will be. I'll try and drag it out so it fills the 10k, but I've got a feeling it will be less than that.

The good news, though, is that this will be the first novel that I've ever finished. I've done NaNoWriMo a few times before and won it twice, but although I've gotten 50k, I've never finished any of the books, and I often got bored halfway through and switched to a different story. I don't know what it is about this one that's made me stick with it right until the end. It's kind of a sequel to a story I wrote a long long time ago, so the characters have all been in my head a while and I've grown to know them well and love them. But up until a few days before July, I didn't really have a plot to go with them, and I've been planning it as I go along. I suppose it's a combination of characters I already know and love, combined with a new and exciting plot. When you put it like that, it sounds a bit like fanfiction, actually.

Which brings me to another point, which I was thinking about the other day. This is purely hypothetical, but do you think it would be weird for a published author to write fanfiction about their own story? Well, when I put it like that I know it sounds weird... but what I mean is, if you wrote a novel, and lets say you thought the villain and main character would actually make a good couple under different circumstances, but it's not something that could ever happen in the novel. You could still write it, and put it on a fanfiction site under a fake username. You know, just for fun.

I don't know. It's not something I would actually do (partially because I'm unlikely to become a published author. xD) but it was just something my deranged mind was thinking about the other day. I probably sound crazy now. Please ignore me if this is the case.

Anyway, I think that's all for now! Toodle-oo!


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