Saturday 24 July 2010

The iPhone 4, and stuff.

Woah, I haven't done a blog post in like 2 days. I don't want to end up forgetting about this blog so I think I should update it frequently so it doesn't end up rotting in given-up-blog land. Even though I don't have anything in particular to blog about today...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I won JulNo!! Yeah, I reached 50k :) Although I haven't quite finished my epilogue yet. I only started writing the epilogue because I finished the story without getting to 50k... but now I've got to 50k and haven't finished the epilgue, which kinda means I haven't finished the story. It's all just a vicious circle. My epilogue so far has mainly consisted of my main character's dad and uncle playing Guitar Hero. Yeah, don't ask... ¬_¬ (basically my JulNo is a sequel to something I wrote ages ago, where they were main characters. And I'm still kinda fangirling over them... But I'm not really sure where Guitar Hero comes into all this.)

I've started putting a link to this on my signature on now, so if you're reading this, you're either from JulNo or Gurl. Or some other weird stalker. So, hello!!

Ooh, I've thought of something I want to blog about. The new iPhone 4. I have an iPhone 3G, which I got for Christmas 2008. So I've had it for about a year and a half now. I've never had any major problems with it, and it still works fine and does everything I want it to do, so I don't see why I should get rid of it. But I have a friend who got an iPhone not long after I did, and he's just bought an iPhone 4. I think he did have some problems with his iPhone 3G a while ago, but earlier on Facebook he was saying "I'm having promblems with my iPhone 4 already." For the last couple of days on the news, people have been talking about the iPhone 4 having signal problems and stuff. And I'm thinking, why buy one if you already know there's going to be problems with it? Are people so obsessed with having the latest new gadget that they don't care? I may sound a bit hypocritical because some people might think having any kind of iPhone means you're obsessed with having the latest gadgets. And I admit that I did fall victim to the charms of the iPhone... but that was because I was shopping for a new phone anyway, because I'd had a really shit Moterola Razr for goodness knows how long. I didn't buy one just for the sake of having it. I got one because I was already looking for a new phone and decided I wanted an iPhone. Not like the people who queued up for hours to buy an iPhone 4 when they presumably had a previous iPhone that still worked fine. Yeah, I like having new gadgets but I won't buy them when I've already got one that works. I've bought one of each type of Nintendo DS that has been released. But I got a DS Lite because my first DS got stolen. And I got a DSi because my DS Lite was starting to break. (And partially because I needed a second DS to trade between my Pokemon games... ¬_¬)

Sorry if I sound like I'm saying I'm better than people who buy stuff like the iPhone 4... I don't mean to. But it does annoy me when people waste their money on things when they've already got a perfectly good one that just happens to be an older version. But then, who am I to say how they waste their money.

See y'all later.

Ok, I promise I'll never try and say "y'all" again.


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