Monday 26 July 2010

Mmmm Lemony Goodness...

Well, actually I've got the same birthday as Daniel Handler, who is the man that used the pen name Lemony Snicket. But that sounds less cool.

The reason I discovered this was because I'm reading A Series of Unfortunate Events. I got a box set of the first 10 books for Christmas in 2005, and read them all shortly after that. But it wasn't until 4-and-a-half years later (A.K.A. Now.) that I finally got around to purchasing the last 3 books in the series. I just read the 11th book in almost one sitting. It would have been one sitting if I didn't have to have dinner when I was half way through it. :( But yeah, I've just finished the 11th book and will move onto the 12th after writing this.

If you haven't heard of, I am about to inflict something life ruining onto you. Because, as it says somewhere on the website itself, TV Tropes will ruin your life. People, including myself, get obsessed with it. But mentioning this particular website is essential in recounting my tale of how I found out about Lemony Snicket having the same birthday as me. Whenever I get into a new TV show or book series or something, I always look at the TV Tropes page for it, because... I'm obsessed with TV Tropes. So I was doing that just now. And right at the top of the Series of Unfortunate Events page, it says that Lemony Snicket is the pen name for a dude called Daniel Handler. I did not know this previously. I immediately went "NOOOO!" (inside my head, of course) because, although I already kinda knew that Lemony Snicket was just a pen name of some other guy, finding out what his real name was, and finding out it was something boring like Daniel (no offence Daniels of the world), kind of shattered my last bits of hope that maybe he actually was a real person.
I'm not really sure why it would matter if he were a real person or not because I'm probably never going to meet him anyway. But it would have been cool. (And anyway, he still is real, I guess, but just with a less cool name.)
But for some reason this led me to google Daniel Handler. And BAM, on his Wikipedia page, I see "born February 28, 1970."
The coolest Birthday in the world, amirite? Except for the fact that he's... *gets calculator out*... 24 years older than me (damn, it shouldn't be that hard to subtract 70 from 94. I only left school a few weeks ago.) But whatever. So even though his name isn't Lemony Snicket in real life, I like this guy again, because we share a great birthday.
And then I had to inform someone of this so I started writing this blog post, and I still haven't read the Series of Unfortunate Events TV Tropes page.

I doubt anyone cares enough about this little tale to read all of it, but if you have... you have no life. ;D I joke, of course. You're awesome and I like you. BE MY FRIEND. O_O

Because I feel like I should always end these with my name-


P.S I'm going to see Toy Story 3 tomorrow! I'm excited! :D

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