Wednesday 21 July 2010

I Almost Forgot to Give This a Title...

The sun is reflecting off my neighbor's window, RIGHT into my eyes. I'm blind. This is irritating. This has never happened before, but today their window is opened at such an angle that the sun reflects directly in my direction. Lovely.
One of my other neighbors has an incredibly annoying dog. This probably won't be the last time I talk about it in this blog. They keep it in this little fenced off part of thier garden, and don't seem to let it in the house, ever. So obviously, it's starved for attention, which means it barks. A lot.
No, wait. It doesn't bark. It's part chihuahua. It actually squeaks. I'm not even exaggerating.
I could rant on and on about how annoying these particular neighbors are. It's not just their dog. But I don't think you want to hear about that.

I've nearly finished my JulNo, with 10 days to spare. I've got almost 4,000 words left to write. I've been saying on the JulNo forums that I'm not sure if I'll make it to 50k because I only have one scene left to do, so it might not be long enough. But now I've got an idea for an epilogue that I can do. Even if I do make it to 50k, I might write the epilogue anyway. So it's all good. :D My main character is currently depressed because he thinks another character is dead. I can't wait to get on to the next scene, where we find out he's actually alive. It's gonna be fun. :D

Hmm, this blog post is quite a bit shorter than my previous ones...

Ohhh, there the dog goes again. SHUT UP.

Anyway. See you later!


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