Wednesday 21 July 2010

Why Life is Not Like a Box of Chocolates.

I have a problem with that age old philosophy "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get." I don't know what boxes of chocolates were like back in the olden days when whoever first said this was alive, but most of the ones I've ever seen have had something, either on the back of the box or on a little card inside, that tells you what each different chocolate is. That's how you know to avoid the coffee or Turkish Delight ones because no one likes them except for my dad.
I guess there's boxes of chocolate out there that don't have any way of telling what's in each one. And of course there are people who take ones randomly without checking what they are first. But I am not one of those people.

Turns out that quote is originally from Forrest Gump, which I have seen but had forgotten about that bit. That makes sense, I s'pose. He wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, was he? (Funnily enough, it was my use of that phrase that originally got me the nickname 'Fayola' which is now my JulNo username. Because my friend misheard it and thought I'd just said that I like crayons... So, yeah. That was a fun, pointless story.)
Actually, I haven't seen Forrest Gump in ages, and I don't even know if I watched all of it the first time, because I saw it at school when we were learning about the Vietnam War in History. I can't even remember much about it.

I'm sure you're dying to hear about my JulNo progress now. I have finished my novel but it is only 47k. So I've thought of a nice little epilogue that should be about 3k. And it's set during Christmas, so I've got an excuse to listen to Christmas music in the middle of July. I have an IRL friend who would kill me if she found out, because I used to annoy her by obsessing over Christmas when it was months away. :P It's only 157 days away!
Actually, I'm glad I decided to do an epilogue because it shows what the character's lives are like about 6 months after the main events of the novel, and it ties up some loose ends. Hooray! I won't be relying on DVD bonus features to answer questions that weren't answered in the final episode, NOT NAMING ANY NAMES LOST. *ahem.*

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve EveEve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve! (I think that was the right amount of eves.)


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